
How to create emotional inspiration!

You can change your life a lot by doing just a little bit of homework.

We have to feed our brain EMOTIONAL input to get ACTION out!

Human beings are not motivated by logic. You know HOW to get things done. But still, you don’t get it done. It’s not because you lack discipline. You don’t need as much discipline if you are intrinsically motivated.

People that keep falling short and don’t get the work done are often extrinsically motivated-they do it for other people.

Emotional rocket fuel is the source of strong intrinsic motivation. It’s the secret reason why high performers reach big goals.

Some people work so they don’t starve. Some work so their kids can have a better future. Some work to prove what they are made of. Some want to change the world. Some just want peace.

People will do more to avoid pain than they will to seek pleasure. Pleasure keeps you going. Pleasure is the gasoline- everyday fuel. Pain is the booster- used less frequently but it hits hard. Get both. Keep your focus on the positive future results. You are finding and activating your big WHY.

How to make your rocket fuel:

Answer all these questions as they relate to your specific goal, most importantly WHY do you want this big goal? Tap into your emotions—You have to hit a nerve!

1. Be very clear on your dream. Imagine how you will feel when you reach your big objective.

Literally answer these questions and then put the answers into a paragraph.

Really imagine this visually in your mind.

Right now, what are you grateful for?

Why, Why, Why do you want this!?

When the why gets stronger, the how gets easier.

Why is it important that you make this change?
What is in your way? What will you have to overcome?

What is no longer in your life? Which habits will you have to eliminate?

What is your life going to be like if you don’t move forward with these changes?

How will you feel when you don’t reach your goal because you decided not to take action?

What are the painful outcomes that WILL HAPPEN if you don’t take action?

What opportunities will you miss out on?

Why MUST this happen?

Why must you get started now!?

My favorite question:

What would this entire process look like if it were easy?

What assumptions can you get rid of?

Now, imagine your future self after you have accomplished this goal.

What is your life like?

How does it feel?
How do you feel about yourself and your accomplishments?

Who else has benefitted?

Where are you? What do you hear? What do you see?
What’s your morning like? What’s the best part of your day?
What are your partner and kids doing?
Who else is around?

What’s next….?

2. Remove the questions, leave the answers, organize those answers into a clear statement. Paint it with imagery and emotion. Less logic. Use as much emotion as possible. Hit a nerve!

3. Bring the attention and focus to what you will be doing. Assume your bad habits will fade because your so obsessed with your dream.

4. Make sure you do this when your energy is high. Jump up and down, get your energy flowing. Read through it again. Identify the emotions. IE.. Excitement, love, confidence, lots of energy. Edit it more. Make it touch you emotionally. Stack the emotions You must feel it!!!!

5. Read the statement every day to fill up with motivation. It’s like healthy food for the mind. Do whatever it takes to keep that fuel full. It must be emotionally compelling. It lives in your heart. Make it something you MUST DO EVERYDAY. Make it as important as brushing your teeth.

6. Keep it. Edit it. You can record your voice with music and listen to it every day. Put it on your wall where you brush your teeth or anywhere you will see it every day.

7. Make a deliberate effort to read it as much as possible. It’s amazing how it influences your behavior. Read it a lot at first to set the mental pattern in your brain. Update it.

8. Anticipate when you will have slow days. Collect and keep other forms of fuel readily available. YouTube videos, places you want to live or visit. Music playlists. Whatever gets you excited!

9. Make sure it’s all fun! Don’t take life too seriously. It’s a game. Change your approach until you beat it!

Program your subconscious, create a future identity, emotionally connect with it and it will drag you forward. Become so intrinsically motivated that it would take a small army to stop you.

When will you right your Rocket fuel?

How will you remind yourself to do so?

What action can you take right now to make sure it happens!!!

If you write it and read it every day, I guarantee you that your life will change.

Once you establish new habits and rituals in your life you may not need to read your rocket fuel statement.

Set another goal! Write a NEW statement.

This is gives you more power and happiness.

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